All about Kettlebells




Kettlebell training has developed over the last number of years into one of the most popular forms of training within the fitness industry.

So what makes a kettlebell so unique? Whats the difference between the kettlebell and a barbell, medicine ball or any other training tools. A good trainer will never limit themeselves to using a single tool, however, the kettlebell is a very versatile tool, and so it can be used for a variety of different exercises, working different muscles across a range of human movements patterns, we should then try to utilise it as much as possilbe, where appropriate.

The Kettlebell can be used to improve grip strength and endurance, teach a correct lifting technque and develop strength and endurance in the hamstrings, gluteals and back muscles. It will help to improve coordination and is used as a preferred tool for fat loss and can even give its users improvements in aerobic and anerobic fitness.

Humans have undertaken particular movement patterns for thousands of years, and we should incorporate these same patterns into our strutured exercise programme to best improve performance.

Kettlebells can be used to train a variety of primal human movements patterns, in particular the lift, press and pull patterns.

Metabolic Acceleration

Kettlebells are always strongly advocated as being particulary effective for increasing metablism and initiating positive changes in body composition. Therefore, training at a sufficient intensity with kettlebells may inititate beneficial changes in metabolic rate, resulting in maintenace of lean muscle and decrease in body fat. A significant increase in lean body mass can be achieved with kettlebell training, so dumbbells, barbells and fixed path machines would be tools more suited to bodybuilding than kettlebells.

Many of the foundation drills, such as the two hand swing, one hand swing, snatch and clean, should improve coordination between the lower body and the upper body when performed correctly. The individual should then contract the loaded muscles, bringing the hips forward, with creates momentum and force. The force should then be transfered through the core muscles to the shoulders and arms, and eventually to the handle of the kettlebell, which casuse the bell to rise in an arc motion.


Two hand with one Kettlebell
Dead swing with finger release with one Kettlebell
Two hand swings with one Kettlebell
One hand swing with one Kettlebell
One hand high pulls with one kettlebell
One hand snatch with one kettlebell
One hand swing clean
One hand dead clean with one kettlebell
One hand front squat
One hand overhead press
One hand turkish get up
One hand windmill

Plus many more!

An effective warm-up is essential to any training programme, but especially when training with Kettlebells. Kettlebell lifting is demanding on the entire body and it is critical that it has been well prepared for the dynamic nature of many of these exercises.

To find out more about my Kettlebell classes which are starting in October at Frank Hutchings Hall, Thatcham at 8pm, please contact me on

Sarah Pennicott
Personal Trainer & Pilates Teacher
07823 444 853

MasterFitness August Newsletter

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and you are surviving the school holidays with your children. I can’t believe we are in August…..where has our sunshine gone?

Here is a quick update on what is happening in August into September.


Pilates has really taken off over the past few months which is great. The word is getting round on how good Pilates is for your body.

Classes are getting booked up very quickly, so do please let me know if you would like a space to avoid disappointment.

6 week courses starting in September

Beginners – Intermediate






Class   Size

Monday 1pm The Wellbeing   Centre Newbury



Monday 8pm Frank Hutchings   Hall Thatcham



Wednesday 9.30am Upper   Bucklebury Memorial Hall Upper Bucklebury



Wednesday 1pm The Wellbeing   CentrePre   Natal Class Newbury



Wednesday 7pm Frank Hutchings   Hall Thatcham




I also offer 1-2-1 Pilate’s sessions at £30 per 1hr.

I’m starting a new class at The Wellbeing Centre in Newbury.  These classes are only limited to 8 spaces.



Don’t forget to let me know if you would like to be entered for a free Pilates classes for my Monday evenings to celebrate my new class in September. Closing date is end of July. This is for a 6 week Monday evening Pilate’s course worth £42. Names can be posted on my FB page or via email.


I’m seeing fantastic results with my clients. Increased fitness, increased strength, firm bottoms, and thighs, toned arms, body fat reduced and weight loss. Personal training is such a great investment that truly does work.

Individual prices £40

10 x sessions £350

Slots available



Tuesday &   Fridays 6am – 7am
Mondays 11am – 12pm
Tuesday 12.30 – 3pm
Wednesday 11am – 12pm
Thursdays 12.30pm – 3pm
Fridays 10.30 – 11.30am
Fridays 1.30pm – 3pm


Don’t forget to like my Facebook page for updates. You can find all the links on my website.

07823 444 853