Why is Pilates good for you during pregnancy?

Many women find Pilates to be one of best exercises to do, both during and after their pregnancy. One of the top reasons Pilates and pregnancy go together so well is that Pilates is great at building your core strength. If your abdominals, back, and pelvic floor muscles are toned, they will support a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery. Pilates is also famous for helping new mums get their figures back after baby is born!

Pilates exercises can be adapted to suit the changing needs of your body. During your pregnancy your body will undergo many changes. For example as your baby grows it can begin to place a stress on your spine especially your lower back.

Pilates can help your body with these changes by building the strength you will need to support your skeleton and muscles. Your balance is affected during pregnancy and can be improved through Pilates. It will also help you maintain good movement in everyday life which can contribute to a positive experience of pregnancy.

If you are thinking of an active birth, Pilates will help with your posture which can help your baby get in a good position ready for birth….. making childbirth easier to cope with.

Useful breathing techniques, rest and relaxation exercises can also help ease the tension of labour. Pilates can help you to learn more about your body so that you can make the right choices for yourself in supporting you in the birth of your choice.
In the postnatal period Pilates can help you with your posture as well as creating stronger back and tummy muscles. Life with a new baby is both challenging and rewarding.

As Your Body Changes
As your baby grows your center of gravity will shift. You may find that you need to be a bit more cautious when doing certain things that you are quite used to doing like getting up and down for mat work.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy promote flexibility in the joints and muscles. Women do experience more strains to their muscles and ligaments during this time because their bodies are wisely making them more “stretchy”. You will want to be sure not to overstretch. Working in a smaller range of motion is often a good way to tune into the subtleties of an exercise. For example, this would be a good time to work with tuning in to the pelvic floor muscles, breathing well, and gently working with oppositional stretch


Pilates Classes in Thatcham, Berkshire, uk

Tuesday evenings @ 7.45pm Francis Baily School, Thatcham
Wednesday evenings @ 7.30pm, Frank Hutchings Hall, Thatcham